Edmonton Journal: Parents fear opioids as treatment for children in pain, University of Alberta research shows, March 2020:

The Globe and Mail: Children cringe at prospect of flu shot after shortage leaves Canada without nasal-spray alternative, November 2019:

The Discovery Awards: Christine Chambers named Science Champion, November 2019:

The Financial Post: Manulife Science & Technology Awards, November 2019:

Ottawa Citizen: We need to make it easier for parents to vaccinate their children, May 2019:

Global News Edmonton: Health Matters, May 2019:

TVO: Ontario Brain Institute: What We Don’t Know About Children’s Pain Can Hurt Them, April 2019:

CTV Your Morning, April 2019:

Halifax Today: New funding helps share solutions for kids who suffer from pain, April 2019:

Global News Halifax segment: SKIP – Solutions for Kids in Pain, April 2019: