Faites connaissance avec notre équipe administrative

Installée au Centre administratif de SKIP à Halifax notre équipe travaille en collaboration avec nos centres régionaux, nos établissements affiliés, ainsi que nos partenaires pour soutenir, consolider et agrandir le réseau national de SKIP.

Directrice principale

Louise Tunnah


Louise completed her doctoral degree in Integrative Biology from the University of Guelph and previously worked with the Correlative Studies Program at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto, ON. Louise is thrilled to have the opportunity to bring her skills and experience managing research projects to SKIP and to contribute to SKIP’s meaningful and important work regarding kid’s pain. As someone who is always interested and eager to learn, Louise is delighted to work with SKIP’s broad network of expert partners. 

Project Coordinator

Megan Ridgway


Megan earned her Master’s degree in Biology from McMaster University where she immersed herself in research, driven by a deep curiosity for biological science. She is passionate about infusing creativity into science, making it not only accessible but also captivating for diverse audiences. She is eager to bring her creativity and experience in project management to the team at SKIP.