Faites connaissance avec nos responsables de centre affilié et nos courtiers de connaissances

Our Hubs play a vital role in mobilizing research and evidence-based clinical practices, facilitating institutional change, increasing awareness, and fostering a sense of urgency. les responsables et le bulletin d’information Knowledge Brokers travaillent à l’amélioration des pratiques de gestion de la douleur pédiatrique dans leurs établissements respectifs, en plus de soutenir les Affiliés de SKIP et d’autres établissements de soins de santé pour les enfants.

Want to make your institution a better place? Reach out to one of our Hub Leads or Knowledge Brokers!

Centre affilié SKIP — région Est

L’Hôpital pour enfants IWK est un centre hospitalier et de traumatologie majeur à Halifax en Nouvelle-Écosse. Il offre des services aux enfants, aux adolescents et aux femmes de Nouvelle-Écosse, du Nouveau-Brunswick et de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard.

Jordan Sheriko

Responsable de centre affilié

Jordan Sheriko is a pediatric rehabilitation medicine physician and medical director of Rehabilitation Services at IWK Health. He is an assistant professor in the Departments of Pediatrics and Medicine at Dalhousie University. He has a broad research program dedicated to advancing the lives of children and youth living with physical disability. He has a particular interest in improving pain and function in childhood disability with ongoing research projects exploring pain in cerebral palsy and health system transformation to improve models of care.

Marsha Campbell-Yeo

Responsable de centre affilié

Marsha Campbell-Yeo is a Nurse Clinician-Scientist, a neonatal nurse practitioner at IWK Health and a Professor of Nursing, Faculty of Health at Dalhousie University. Dr. Campbell-Yeo’s program of research focuses on improving outcomes of medically at-risk newborns and their families most notably related to reducing pain and stress and improving neurodevelopment. Also examining the effectiveness of digital solutions to increase parental engagement in infant care. Ensuring research findings are implemented into clinical practice, including patients and parents in clinical care and research teams, and mentoring the next generation of child health researchers are three of her greatest passions.

Centre affilié SKIP francophone

Le Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine (CHU Sainte-Justine) est le plus important centre pour mères et enfants au Canada. Établi à Montréal au Québec, ce centre de santé universitaire est affilié à l’Université de Montréal.

Evelyne D. Trottier


Coresponsable de centre affilié

Evelyne D.Trottier is a Pediatric Emergency Physician at CHU Sainte-Justine in Montreal and an Associate Professor at Université de Montréal. Her primary interests are procedural and acute pain management and knowledge translation. She is currently working on different studies on pain and distress management. She is responsible for the development of clinical practice guidelines on the www.urgencehsj.ca website for the pediatric emergency departments, is a past member of the Canadian Paediatric Society Acute Care Committee and an actual member of the CPS Paediatric Emergency Medicine Section. Her main interest is improving the patient experience through its care.

Marie-Joëlle Doré-Bergeron


Coresponsable de centre affilié

Dre Doré-Bergeron est pédiatre au CHU Sainte-Justine et professeure adjointe au département de pédiatrie de l’Université de Montréal. Elle codirige la clinique de la douleur chronique et le programme des soins complexes du CHU Sainte-Justine. Elle s’intéresse à l’amélioration de la gestion de la douleur associée aux interventions médicales pour les enfants hospitalisés et à l’accroissement des ressources pour les enfants souffrant de douleur chronique, en particulier les ressources offertes aux Canadiens francophones. Elle s’intéresse particulièrement à accroître la reconnaissance dans la communauté médicale de la douleur chez les enfants atteints de troubles neurologiques sévères.

Patricia Laforce

M.Sc. RN

Courtière de connaissances 

Patricia Laforce has been a registered nurse since 2013. She holds a bachelor’s degree in nursing science from Laval University and a master’s degree in nursing science from the University of Montreal. She has been interested in procedural pain management for several years. As part of her master’s thesis, she observed the effects of therapeutic clown distraction on children’s pain and anxiety during vaccinations. She worked for 4 years in pediatrics at the CSSS Saint-Jérôme and joined the CHU Sainte-Justine team in 2017. She has developed expertise in surgery-traumatology and severe burns. Since May 2021, she has joined the Tout doux team (an institutional comfort initiative aimed at improving procedural pain and distress management) within which she plays a leadership role in the training of healthcare professionals and is responsible for the deployment of the project across the hospital.

Centre affilié SKIP — région Centre du Canada

The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), affiliated with the University of Toronto, is Canada’s most research-intensive hospital and the largest centre dedicated to improving children’s health in the country.

Fiona Campbell


Coresponsable de centre affilié

Fiona Campbell is a Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine at University of Toronto, Director of the Chronic Pain Program in the Department of Anesthesia & Pain Medicine, and co-director of the SickKids Pain Centre at the Hospital for Sick ChildrenFiona is Past-President of the Canadian Pain Society and Co-chair of Health Canada’s Canadian Pain Task Force, through which she is an advocate for a Canadian National Pain Strategy. 

Jennifer Stinson


Coresponsable de centre affilié

Dre Stinson est infirmière et clinicienne-chercheuse dans le Programme des sciences évaluatives de la santé des enfants et le Programme de douleur chronique de l’Hôpital pour enfants de Toronto, codirectrice du Centre de recherche sur la gestion de la douleur de l’Hôpital pour enfants SickKids, et professeure (en titre seulement) à la Faculté des sciences infirmières Lawrence S. Bloomberg et à l’Institut de l’évaluation, la gestion et les politiques en santé de l’Université de Toronto. Son travail se concentre sur les enfants et les jeunes souffrant de douleur chronique et leurs familles au sein d’une équipe multidisciplinaire au département d’anesthésie et de médecine de la douleur de l’Hôpital SickKids.

Elisabeth Huang


Courtière de connaissances

Elisabeth (Lis) Huang is the Knowledge Mobilization Specialist at the SickKids Pain Centre at the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids). Within the SickKids Pain Centre, she is also the Co-Chair of the Education / Knowledge Translation Committee. Prior to working at SickKids, she was the Bilingual Knowledge Mobilization Specialist with Research Impact Canada. She looks forward to collaborating with the team to improve pediatric pain prevention and treatment.

Centre affilié SKIP — Santé des enfants Canada

For Canadian leaders in children’s healthcare, Children’s Healthcare Canada is the only national association that enables local improvements and contributes to system-wide change by building communities across the full continuum of care. 

Emily Gruenwoldt

Knowledge User Director, Hub Lead

Emily Gruenwoldt is the President & CEO of Children’s Healthcare Canada and Executive Director of the Pediatric Chairs of Canada (PCC), positions she has held for four years. Previous to these roles, Emily spent over ten years with the Canadian Medical Association in various Director-level roles including Professional Affairs, Physician Leadership Development, and Strategy & Innovation. Emily has significant health care governance experience having served two terms as a board member for each of Care for Home & Health Services and The Ottawa Hospital, and one term at Arnprior Regional Health. Emily is also co-founder of Emerging Health Leaders.

Catherine Riddell

Courtière de connaissances

Catherine Riddell is the Manager, Health Networks at Children’s Healthcare Canada and joins the SKIP team with many years of experience supporting children’s healthcare. Catherine has significant experience in pediatric clinical research as well as in facilitating the use of administrative data for performance management, quality improvement, and research. She also brings skills and knowledge in clinical operations, data management and privacy, and knowledge translation. Catherine is excited to collaborate with the team on the mission to improve children’s pain management. 

Centre affilié SKIP — région Ouest

L’Hôpital pour enfants Stollery d’Edmonton (Alberta) est un établissement de soins pédiatriques incluant les soins pédiatriques complexes ainsi qu’un centre de recherche fondé en 2001. L’Hôpital Stollery est le seul établissement spécialisé dans les soins pour nourrissons, enfants et adolescents dans le centre et le nord de l’Alberta. L’établissement compte le volume le plus élevé de patients hospitalisés au Canada et couvre une région s’étendant sur plus de 500 000 km2.

Samina Ali


Coresponsable de centre affilié

Dre Samina Ali est urgentologue pédiatrique, professeure en pédiatrie et professeure auxiliaire en urgentologie à l’Université de l’Alberta. Ses recherches sur les soins intensifs et d’urgence pour les enfants bénéficient de financement provincial et national. Ses travaux portent sur l’amélioration de la gestion de la douleur et de la détresse chez les enfants, principalement lors des visites et procédures dans les urgences. Elle se concentre sur l’amélioration de l’expérience de la douleur chez les enfants en milieu hospitalier et dans la collectivité, notamment en établissant ce qui fonctionne le mieux et comment favoriser l’adoption de meilleures pratiques de gestion de la douleur dans la collectivité. 

Hayley Turnbull

Coresponsable de centre affilié

Hayley Turnbull is a pediatrician who is passionate about quality of life for her patients and families. With a special interest in pediatric palliative care, Dr. Turnbull brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Western hub, and we are excited to see her contribute to our mission of improving pain management for children across Canada.

Angela Bokenfohr


ChildKind International Nurse Educator

With over a decade of frontline experience as a pediatric nurse on various inpatient units, the conversation of pain and mitigating it has been a career-long aspiration for Angela. In Sept 2023, she joined the Edmonton CKI team as a Clinical Nurse Educator and is absolutely loving every minute of it. In her spare time, she is an avid hockey player, choir director, musician, and proudly coaches four nieces and nephews on their respective hockey teams. 

SKIP Strategic Initiatives Hub

The Strategic Initiatives Hub is housed at the University of Calgary and Alberta Children’s Hospital. This hub provides leadership on major initiatives including opioids and our youth and vaccination pain and fear management.

Katie Birnie

PhD, RPsych

Associate Scientific Director, Hub Lead

Katie Birnie is a Clinical Psychologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine at the University of Calgary where she leads Partnering For Pain, a patient- and family-partnered research program. Dr. Birnie’s work involves new knowledge generation, synthesis, and mobilization. She is a champion for patient engagement, and supports children and their families through her work at Alberta Children’s Hospital. 

Raad Fadaak


Knowledge Broker (parental leave)

Raad Fadaak joins the SKIP team with a history of focusing on high-impact qualitative health research, global health, pandemic preparedness, and healthcare policy. Before SKIP, Raad was a researcher on Canadian federally-funded rapid response grant for COVID-19, analyzing the pandemic response in Alberta, Canada. Raad brings his experience leading and supporting diverse teams, both academic and professional, bringing together emerging leaders, communities of practice, and young talent. He is committed to interdisciplinary and multisectoral work, with a strong foundation at the intersections of research, knowledge mobilization, quality improvement, policymaking, and partnerships. He is excited to join SKIP to further his strong drive for collaboration, impact, curiosity, and exploring new horizons.

Affiliés de SKIP

Un établissement affilié SKIP est un établissement de soins de santé ayant fait preuve d’une capacité de soutien organisationnel pour la gestion de la douleur pédiatrique et où un responsable et un courtier de connaissances travaillent à la mise en place de solutions fondées sur des données probantes au sein de l’établissement.

Hôpital pour enfants de la Colombie‑Britannique

L’Hôpital pour enfants de la Colombie‑Britannique offre une expertise de pointe dans le traitement des enfants les plus gravement malades ou blessés de toute la Colombie-Britannique, en plus d’être le principal établissement d’enseignement et de recherche en santé pédiatrique. Les activités de SKIP y sont dirigées par le Dr Tim Oberlander, un médecin et chercheur dont les travaux créent des liens entre les neurosciences et la santé pédiatrique communautaire.

Hôpital pour enfants de l’Alberta

Chef de file national en gestion de douleur pédiatrique, l’Hôpital pour enfants de l’Alberta obtenait récemment la certification ChildKind International. L’établissement est seulement le deuxième au Canada à obtenir cette désignation d’excellence en évaluation et gestion de la douleur pédiatrique. C’est dans cet établissement que travaille notre directrice scientifique adjointe, Dre Katie Birnie, qui continuera de superviser les activités de SKIP sur place et à travers le Canada.

Hôpital pour enfants de Winnipeg

L’Hôpital pour enfants de Winnipeg est situé près du centre-ville de Winnipeg sur le campus du Health Sciences Centre, mais il offre des programmes, de l’expertise clinique, du soutien et des services à toutes les unités de soins pédiatriques du Manitoba. Les activités de SKIP à l’Hôpital pour enfants de Winnipeg sont supervisées par Dre Kerstin Gerhold qui dirige également Every Child, Every Time, un programme local qui a déployé beaucoup d’efforts pour améliorer la prévention et le traitement de la douleur pédiatrique au Manitoba.