Les témoignages sur les retombées des activités de SKIP pour les partenaires, les intervenants et les organisations nous aident à constater que nous réalisons notre vision : des Canadiens en meilleure santé grâce à une meilleure gestion de la douleur chez les enfants.

Vina Mohabir: Le partenariat avec les patients en acte chez SKIP
Vina Mohabir: Patient partnerships in action at SKIP This story is part of a series led by Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP) about efforts being made across Canada and beyond to mobilize evidence-based solutions through coordination and collaboration. To learn more about 100+ groups working to improve children’s pain

Tous les héros ne portent pas une cape… certains portent un écusson de champion de la douleur!
Not all heroes wear capes – some wear Pain Champion badges! This story is part of a series led by Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP) about efforts being made across Canada and beyond to mobilize evidence-based solutions through coordination and collaboration. To learn more about 100+ groups working to

Thinking outside of the box, all in the name of knowledge mobilization!
Thinking outside the box, all in the name of knowledge mobilization! This story is part of a series led by Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP) about efforts being made across Canada and beyond to mobilize evidence-based solutions through coordination and collaboration. To learn more about 100+ groups working to

Prêt à s’engager pour le confort? Le ministère de la Santé de l’Alberta montre la voie.
Ready to commit to comfort? Alberta Health Services is leading the way. This story is part of a series led by Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP) about efforts being made across Canada and beyond to mobilize evidence-based solutions through coordination and collaboration. To learn more about 100+ groups working

How a musical performance led to a valuable collaboration for children’s health
How a musical performance led to a valuable collaboration for children’s health This story is part of a series led by Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP) about efforts being made across Canada and beyond to mobilize evidence-based solutions through coordination and collaboration. To learn more about 100+ groups working
Témoignages sur l’impact de SKIP : centre affilié SickKids — Dr Mohamed Eltorki
Témoignages sur l’impact de SKIP : centre affilié SickKids — Dr Mohamed Eltorki Les récents travaux du Dr Mohamed Eltorki pourraient contribuer à changer la manière dont les enfants souffrant de douleur abdominale aigüe sont traités dans les salles d’urgence. « Quel est le meilleur analgésique à administrer aux enfants qui se rendent dans les urgences avec une douleur abdominale aigüe que