Our Impact
Annual Report 2022-23: Values in Motion
Previous Impact Reports
Impact Stories

Vina Mohabir: Patient partnerships in action at SKIP
Vina Mohabir: Patient partnerships in action at SKIP This story is part of a series led by Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP) about efforts

Not all heroes wear capes – some wear Pain Champion badges!
Not all heroes wear capes – some wear Pain Champion badges! This story is part of a series led by Solutions for Kids in Pain

Thinking outside of the box, all in the name of knowledge mobilization!
Thinking outside the box, all in the name of knowledge mobilization! This story is part of a series led by Solutions for Kids in Pain

Ready to commit to comfort? Alberta Health Services is leading the way.
Ready to commit to comfort? Alberta Health Services is leading the way. This story is part of a series led by Solutions for Kids in

How a musical performance led to a valuable collaboration for children’s health
How a musical performance led to a valuable collaboration for children’s health This story is part of a series led by Solutions for Kids in
Jump in with SKIP Impact: Dr. Mohamed Eltorki
Jump in with SKIP Impact: Dr. Mohamed Eltorki Dr. Mohamed Eltorki’s latest research has the potential to change the way children with acute abdominal pain
What is knowledge mobilization?
Knowledge mobilization is exactly what it sounds like – knowledge needs to run, not sit.
Did you know that it can take up to 17 years for research findings to be put into practice? That means that for up to 17 years, important research that could save or improve lives sits in one place instead of getting into the hands of those who need it.
That’s where SKIP comes in. Our network made up of 6 Hubs, 3 Affiliates, and 100+ partners works together to make sure that knowledge about how to manage children’s pain is shared effectively with every area of Canada at every level.
The good news is that no matter who you are, you can be a part of mobilizing knowledge about children’s pain management! Click here to connect with us.